Success Begins In Your Head

Success Begins in Your Head: Start 2023 with Your Head in the Right Place

It is my firm belief that Success Begins In Your Head. Therefore, your personal and career success is largely in your hands and in your own making. You have the power through your thought processes and beliefs to make your dreams come true in both your professional and personal lives. For some of you, it may mean reaching the pinnacle of your profession, a life of public service, or a fulfilling family life with a partner. For others of you, buying a home, exploring the world, or enjoying retirement with lots of grandchildren nearby may represent your dreams coming true.  Whatever it is you desire, what you say to yourself about the yourself-your story and self-talk-determine your ability to achieve it.  As you begin 2023, is what’s going on in your head fully supportive of your goals and aspirations?

The Power of Story

As the book, “The Power of Story” describes, our story is our creation of reality and the way we describe ourselves to the world. The way we tell our story matters more to us than what actually happened. In fact, our story typically expresses our reality as we perceive it-whether or not it is completely accurate.

Our stories can make us or break us because our destiny tends to follow our stories. A great story takes us where we want to go, while a poor story makes getting there nearly impossible. What kinds of stories do you tell about yourself and others?  Is there anything that needs adding, updating, or deleting for a more successful 2023? This link takes you to our Success Begins in Your Head e-learning Module 1 which helps you focus on the power of your Story and Self-Talk.

Self Talk

The only way to know your story is to listen to yourself tell it. Is it the same story you’ve been telling the past 10 years? Does it reflect a time gone by versus your current reality? Is it positive and upbeat or defensive and negative? Does your current story serve you well or does it need minor or major revisions? Ask yourself: In what important areas of your life is it clear that you cannot achieve your goals with your current story? What can you change in 2023?

Finally, our Self-Talk is also critical. Our story is what we tell others, but our self-talk is what we tell ourselves–what goes on in our heads. The key is whether what we’re saying to ourselves, both positive and negative, is in support of our career and personal goals. What we hope for you in 2023 is greater alignment between what you tell yourself in your head and your short- and long-term career goals. Use this link to access and complete our “What is Your Story?” worksheet and this link to describe ”Your Current Self-Talk.” Both these worksheets help you better determine how to make 2023 the year when Success Begins in Your Head!  

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